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Christmas Lights
Exterior Decorations

Fully Customizable  C7 LED Bulb and C9 LED Bulb

All Colors, Warm and Pure White

We Light Up 

Bushes  -  Trees  -  Pathways  -  Doorways
Wreaths  -  Garland  -  Outdoor Decorations

100% Custom to your home and your budget


Very Simple, Very Affordable!


1st- CHOOSE A PACKAGE and get a quote. Fast & Simple Lighting Prices based on Number of Stories & Square Footage.

2nd-SCHEDULE INSTALLATION - Contact Us by Phone or Socail media & we will schedule an Installation Date! WE PUT THEM UP! 

3rd-INSTILLATION - Christmas Light Installers will install them Safely & Efficiently warrantied through the season.

4th REMOVE LIGHTS  - WE TAKE THEM DOWN! We will carefully Take Down your Lights, Wrap them Up and place them in Storage Bins for next year. 

Price includes rental of lights/etc, installed with warranty, removable of lights/etc, stored for next season. The later you wait to get installed the price could be higher based on demand. We can also install your own lights and decorations.


John Starnes

Can Cleaners TX


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